Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
David Schnarch, Ph.D.
Director, Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Colorado Licensure #1872
2922 Evergreen Parkway, Suite #310
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Voice (303) 670-2630, fax (303)-670-2392
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Voice (303) 670-2630, fax (303)-670-2392
Professional Credentials
Founder of the Sexual Crucible® Approach to sexual and marital therapy, and Passionate Marriage® Approach to marriage and family adult education.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Colorado
Recipient of the first “Professional Standard of Excellence” Award (1997) from the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Certified Sex Therapist (Diplomat Status)
Clinical Member, American Association for Marital and Family Therapy
Clinical Member, American Psychological Association, Member Division 43 Family and Couples
Member, American Family Therapy Academy
Current Activities
Marital, sexual, individual u0026amp; family psychotherapy
Crucible® Approach training workshops for therapists
Sex u0026amp; marital therapy consultation and supervision
Author, lecturer and public speaking
Editorial board member of the Journal of Marriage u0026amp; Family Therapy
Passionate Marriage® Couples Retreats u0026amp; Couples Enrichment Weekends
Formal Education
Ph.D., 1976 Michigan State University
Major: Clinical Psychology
Minor: Ecological Psychology
Dissertation: "An Empirical Examination of the Role of Personality in Migraine Causation"
Minor: Ecological Psychology
Dissertation: "An Empirical Examination of the Role of Personality in Migraine Causation"
M.A., 1974 Michigan State University
Major: Psychology
Thesis: "Migraine Causation: Theory and Research"
Thesis: "Migraine Causation: Theory and Research"
B.S., l969 City College of the City University of New York
Major: Psychology
Degree awarded cum laude, with special honors in psychology
Degree awarded cum laude, with special honors in psychology
Psi Chi u0026amp; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societies
Schnarch, D. M.: Intimacy u0026amp; Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship. New York: Beaufort Books, 2009. Intimität und Begehren: Erwecken Sie die Leidenschaft in ihrer Beziehung! Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2011.
Schnarch, D. M.: Resurrecting Sex: Resolving Sexual Problems and Rejuvenating Your Relationship. HarperCollins Publishers, 2002
Schnarch, D. M.: Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love, u0026amp; Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships. Owl Books (H. Holt u0026amp; Co.) 1998 (Paper back edition)
Schnarch, D. M.: Passionate Marriage: Sex, Love, u0026amp; Intimacy in Emotionally Committed Relationships. W. W. Norton u0026amp; Co. 1997 (hardback), rereleased 2009 (softback)
Schnarch, D. M.: Constructing the Sexual Crucible: An Integration of Sexual and Marital Therapy. W. W. Norton u0026amp; Co., 1991.
Schnarch, D. M. (2010) A Crucible Approach to Sexual Desire Disorders. Chapter in Treating Sexual Desire Disorders: A Clinical Casebook, S. R. Leiblum (ed.) New York: Guilford Publications.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Therapist in the Crucible: Early Developments in a New Paradigm of Sexual and Marital Therapy. In McDaniel, Lusterman, u0026amp; Philpot (Eds.) Casebook for Integrating Family Therapy: An Ecosystemic Approach. American Psychological Association, 2001
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexual Desire: A Systemic Perspective. In Leiblum u0026amp; Rosen (Eds.) Principles and Practices of Sex Therapy (3rd Edition.) Guilford Press, 2000.
McReynolds C u0026amp; Schnarch, D. M.: Passion and Intimacy: The Foundations of Sexuality. In Charlton, RS (Ed.) Treating Sexual Disorders. Jossey-Bass, 1997.
Schnarch, D. M.: Family Systems Approach to Sex Therapy and Intimacy. In Mikesell, Lusterman, McDaniel (Eds.) Family Psychology and Systems Therapy: A Handbook. American Psychological Association, 1995.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Use of Inherent Paradox in Post-Modern Sexual/Marital Therapy. In M. Ascher [ed.] Paradoxical Techniques in Psychotherapy. Guilford Publishers, 1989
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexuality in Later Life. In, H. Rothschild (ed.), Risk Factors for Senility, New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
Schnarch, D. M.: Application of videotape in psychotherapy training. In, J. Fryrear and R. Fleshman (eds), Videotherapy in Mental Health. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1981, pp. 275-304.
Schnarch, D. M.: Intimate Proposals: The Wellness Catalogue of the Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center. Published 1995-2000.
Schnarch, D. M.: Viagra: Sometimes Less Is More. News Service, May 1, 1998.
Schnarch, D. M.: How Much Is Sex Worth? (Viagra). News Service, May 15, 1998.
Schnarch, D. M.: Joy with Your Underwear Down. Psychology Today, July-August 1994.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Quest for Sexual Potential. Playboy, Dec 1993, 54-55.
Schnarch, D. M.: New Baby, No Sex. Child Magazine, March 1993, p. 86, 88, 134, 136.
Schnarch, D. M.: u0026amp; Morehouse, R. K. On-line Sex, Dyadic Crises, and Pitfalls for MFTs. Family Therapy Magazine, 2002, 1(5) , p14-19.
Schnarch, D. M.: Male Sexuality. Clinical Update. vol. 1. 1998, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
Schnarch, D. M.: Passionate Marriage: Forever an Oxymoron? Family Therapy Networker, September-October, 1997 (Reprinted in the Italian Family Therapy Journal, terapia familarie, March 1998.)
Schnarch, D. M.: Sex, Intimacy, and the Internet. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 1997, 22 #1, p15-20.
Schnarch, D. M.: Bader, Schnarch, and Hendrix: The Authors Respond. Journal of Imago Relationship Therapy, Winter, 1997, vol. 2, #1. (Response to “Bader, Schnarch, and Hendrix” by Dale Bailey in Journal of Imago Relationship Therapy, 1996, vol. 1, #2.)
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexual-Marital Therapy with Mature Couples. Family Therapy News, 26 (3), June 1995, 21-22.
Schnarch, D. M.: Inside The Sexual Crucible: The Search For Intimacy. Family Therapy Networker March-April, 1993, 40-48. (Selected by Networker as one of “Ten Best Articles in Ten Years.” Reprinted in the Italian Family Therapy Journal, terapia familarie, vol. 47, March 1995.)
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexuality–Time for a Paradigm Shift! Family Therapy News (invited article). February, 1992
Schnarch, D. M.: The Person of the Therapist: Inside the Sexual Crucible. Voices, Spring 1992.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Integration of Sexual and Marital Therapies? Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Spring, 1989.
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexual "Systems" in Inhibited Sexual Desire. The Female Patient Magazine, 1989.
Schnarch, D. M.: Talking to Patients About Sex- Part I. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, V 22 [5], p 66-68, 1988.
Schnarch, D. M.: Talking to Patients About Sex- Part II. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, V 22 [6], p97-106, 1988.
Schnarch, D. M.: Save us from Sexual Saviors. Contemporary Psychology, 1984, 29(5), 416-4l7.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Role of Medical Students’ Stereotype of Physicians in Sex Education. Journal of Medical Education, 1982, 57 (Dec.) pp. 922-930.
Schnarch, D. M., and Jones, K.: Efficacy of Sex Education in Medical Schools. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1981, 7 (4), 307-3l3.
Schnarch, D. M.: Impact of Sex Education on Medical Students’ Projections of Patients’ Sexual Attitudes. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1981, 7 (2), l4l-155.
Barnes, J.L., and Schnarch, D. M.: Response to `Sexuality and Alcoholism. Sexuality and Disability, 3 (4), 29l-293.
Schnarch, D. M., and Hunter, J.: Sample Selection Bias in Migraine Research. Psychosomatics, l980, 21 (4), 3l5-325.
Schnarch, D. M., and Hunter, J.: Personality Differences Between Randomly Selected Migrainous and Non-migrainous people. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1979, 16 (4), 29l-303.
Schnarch, D. M.: The Role of Personality in Migraine Causation. (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, 1976) Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, 37 (9), 4705-B. (University Microfilms No. 77-5879, 292).
Teaching Media Produced
Schnarch, D. M.: Accepting Sexuality and Intimacy If You Are Merely Human. (71-minute videotape.) 1989. Self-produced at facilities of WLAE-TV, PBS affiliate, New Orleans.
Schnarch, D. M.: A Moment in Time: A Story of Intimacy in Later Life. (59-minute videotape.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1984.
Awarded Second Prize in American Urological Association l984 National Film Competition
Selected for inclusion in permanent film library of the American Urological Association (distributed by Boroughs-Welcome Pharmaceuticals Co.)
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexual Counseling with the Spinal Cord Injured Patient and His Wife: The Patient’s Perspective. (58 videotape).New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1978.
Schnarch, D. M.: Four Approaches to a Difficult Case in Sexual Marital Therapy. (30-minute color videotape.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, l987.
Schnarch, D. M.: Three Approaches to the Initial Interview in Sexual/Marital Therapy. (30-minute color videotape.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1987.
Schnarch, D. M.: Brief Sexual Counseling in Medical Practice. (three-part videotape series, 38 minutes.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1984.
Schnarch, D. M.: A Non-Traditional Use of Masturbation In Sex Therapy.(11-minute videotape.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1984.
Schnarch, D. M.: Initial Resistances in Sex Therapy. (Two-part videotapes series, 89 minutes.) .) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1983
Schnarch, D. M.: Sexual Counseling with the Spinal Cord Injured Patient and His Wife: The Patient’s Perspective. (58-minute color videotape.) New Orleans: Office of Learning Resources, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1978
Awarded Certificate of Merit at the l980 National Rehabilitation Film Competition, Fordham University, New York
Selected for presentation at the I.W.A.P.P. Festival of Audiovisual Programs on Psychology and Psychiatry, Utrecht, Netherlands, January 8-11-1980
Schnarch, D. M.: Secrets of a Passionate Marriage: How to Increase Sexual Pleasure and Emotional Fulfillment in Committed Relationships.
Schnarch, D. M.: Growing in Marriage.
Schnarch, D. M.: Constructing The Sexual Crucible: Paradigm-Shift in Sexual u0026amp; Marital Therapy.
Schnarch, D. M.: Passionate Marriage: Sex, Love, and Intimacy in Emotionally Committed Relationships.
Schnarch, D. M.: Problems of Sexual Desire: Who Wants to Want?
Schnarch, D. M.: Clinical Realities: The Therapist’s Crucible.
Schnarch, D. M.: Maybe It’s Love–But Is It Therapy?
Schnarch, D. M.: Integrating Marital u0026amp; Sex Therapy.
Schnarch, D. M.: Empathy and Differentiation. Panel Discussion by David Schnarch, Harville Hendrix, and Ellen Bader.
Schnarch, D. M.: Tyranny of the Lowest Common Denominator.
Schnarch, D. M.: I’m Finally Normal…And It’s Been Downhill Ever Since!
Schnarch, D. M.: The Nature of Sex and Spirit.
Schnarch, D. M.: Integrating Sexuality u0026amp; Spirituality: In Memory of Ted.
Teaching Experience
July, 1989 – Jan, 1995
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Urology
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry u0026amp; Behavioral Science
Louisiana State University Medical Center
l542 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
Louisiana State University Medical Center
l542 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
July, l982 – July, 1989
Associate Professor, Department of Urology
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans
Director, Sex and Marital Health Clinic
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans
Director, Sex and Marital Health Clinic
October, 1981 – July, 1982
Assistant Professor, Department of Urology
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans
Director, Sexual and Marital Health Clinic
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans
Director, Sexual and Marital Health Clinic
July, 1977 – October, 198l
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Louisiana State University Medical Center
Director, Psychology Internships
Director, Adult Psychotherapy Clinic
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Louisiana State University Medical Center
Director, Psychology Internships
Director, Adult Psychotherapy Clinic
August, 1976 – May, 1977
Visiting Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychology
Indiana University (Bloomington)
Department of Psychology
Indiana University (Bloomington)
Clinical Experience
Jan, 1995 – Present
Director, Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center
Director, Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center
Marital, Sexual, Individual u0026amp; Family Psychotherapy
Development and presentation of professional training programs on the Crucible Approach ® throughout the United States and world wide.
Development and presentation of various workshops, retreats and lectures for the public.
2922 Evergreen Parkway, Suite #310
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Voice (303) 670-2630, fax (303)-670-2392
2922 Evergreen Parkway, Suite #310
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Voice (303) 670-2630, fax (303)-670-2392
July, 1990 – Jan, 1995
Private Practice
Marital, Sexual, Individual u0026amp; Family Psychotherapy
Forensic Sexology
Suite #209
101 West Robert E. Lee Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
Marital, Sexual, Individual u0026amp; Family Psychotherapy
Forensic Sexology
Suite #209
101 West Robert E. Lee Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
July, 1989 – July, 1990
Director, Institute for Marital u0026amp; Sexual Health
Westbank Center for Psychotherapy
JoEllen Smith Psychiatry Hospital
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westbank Center for Psychotherapy
JoEllen Smith Psychiatry Hospital
New Orleans, Louisiana
July, 1977 – July, 1989
Private Practice
Louisiana State University Medical Center Private Practice Clinic
Louisiana State University Medical Center Private Practice Clinic
Individual therapy, marital therapy, sexual therapy, psycho diagnostic evaluation.
October, 1981 – 1989
Consulting Psychologist
Hotel Dieu Hospital, New Orleans
Hotel Dieu Hospital, New Orleans
1986 – 1990
Adjunct Staff Member
Children’s Hospital, New Orleans
Department of Pediatrics
Consultant on sexual adjustment to disabilities
and illness
Children’s Hospital, New Orleans
Department of Pediatrics
Consultant on sexual adjustment to disabilities
and illness
November, 1980 -July, 1982
Adjunct Clinical Psychologist
Washington-St. Tammany Charity Hospital of Bogalusa
Washington-St. Tammany Charity Hospital of Bogalusa
March, 1979 – October, 198l
Director, Sex and Marital Therapy Program
River Oaks Psychiatric Hospital, New Orleans
River Oaks Psychiatric Hospital, New Orleans
July, 1977 – October, 198l
Clinical Psychologist and Research Scientist
Charity Hospital of New Orleans
Team Psychologist, Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Charity Hospital of New Orleans
Team Psychologist, Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
December, 1977 – July, 1979
Consulting Psychologist
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Unit, Mercy Hospital of New
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Unit, Mercy Hospital of New
Professional Affiliations
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists
Current Member
Member-At-Large, Board of Directors, l987—1991
Chairman, Professional Education Committee, 1988-1991
Member, Professional Education Committee, 1987-1988
Chairperson, 1991 Annual Meeting
Member, Program Committee, l986 National Convention
Delegate to Consortium of Sexual Health Associations, 1992
Society for the Scientific Study of Sex
Current Member
Member, Review Committee on WAS Diagnostic Standards, 1992.
Member, Sex Therapy Education Committee, 1987-1989
Member, Program Committee, 1988 National Convention
Member, Student Research Award Committee, 1988, 1989
Member, Outstanding Achievement Award Committee, 1986
Liaison [Louisiana], to American Civil Liberties Union Joint Effort on Sexual Freedom
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Clinical Member.
American Family Therapy Acadamy
International Family Therapy Association
Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy
Editorial Board, 2000-present
Former Contributing Editor
Journal of Sex Education and Therapy
Former Associate Editor
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Former Associate Editor
Society for Sex Therapy and Research
Newsletter Regional Editor, 1987-1988